Vishal is equal to Trump | Naughty Nights with RJ Vignesh | Black Sheep

Vishal is equal to Trump | Naughty Nights with RJ Vignesh | Black Sheep

Here is the naughty nights with Sarath kumar. This time he has made some comparisons that haven't been made before

Naughty Nights is our brand new show, loaded with fun and entertainment.

Black Sheep is an infotainment channel which aims to engage an audience of all categories. Black Sheep wil be an upgraded version of Smile Mixture, this time aiming for more fun and entertainment.
Vishal is equal to Trump | Naughty Nights with RJ Vignesh | Black Sheep Vishal is equal to Trump | Naughty Nights with RJ Vignesh | Black Sheep Reviewed by Unknown on 20:44 Rating: 5

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